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Self-Care Assessment Checklist

















Self-Care - the act of focusing on taking care of yourself first.  As parents pay attention to self-care, it can feel selfish sometimes. But when you take care of yourself first it goes back to you, your children and your loved ones ten-fold.


There are four researched components to self-care:


  1. Physical

  2. Psychological

  3. Emotional

  4. Spiritual


It can be very useful to figure out which areas you are strongest in and which areas need some improvement.  Ideally with self-care for yourself and your loved ones, we want to have a balance between all four as they all interact and impact our feelings of happiness and life satisfaction and stress level daily.  The act of self-care empowers you and improves your daily life and relationships with your loved ones. 


Please take a moment to fill out the self-care checklist and see how you are currently doing with each Self-Care category.


Then, get access to the Let It Go! Mindfulness Action Plan to take the next steps to improve your self care habits.


Mark the boxes for areas you are doing well and leave blank the boxes for areas of improvement.

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1. Physical Self-Care (our bodies)
2. Psychological Self-Care (our minds)
3. Emotional Self-Care (our emotions and feelings)
4. Spiritual Self-Care (forgiveness and letting go)
Copyrighted by: Let it Go! Mindfulness Services
Want to improve on your self-care habits?
Make note of which areas you'd like to focus on improving and download the Self Care Checklist and Action Plan here to keep doing regular check-ins:
Self Care Checklist                                  Self Care Action Plan
If you have questions, need support or looking for guidance, get in touch with us and we'll connect with you:

Thanks for submitting!

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