Mindful Tips & Resources
Learn more about how to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life to let things go, live in the moment, improve mental health and equip our children and ourselves with a mindful tool kit.
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Mindful Parenting Series: Introducing Mindfulness to Your Children

Let it go! Mindfulness: Tips for Mindful Parenting

Let it Go Mindfulness: Mindfulness for Children
Mindful Tips Handouts
Receive supportive emails for:
Managing Back-to-School stress & anxiety
Parenting strategies for relaxation and tips for creating quiet time and space for you and your child/children
Using mindfulness to manage sleep
Mindful Eating tips
Improving child self worth and self-esteem
How to create a mindful classroom, even during a pandemic
How to support emotional well being of students & nurture a positive environment
How to support your own self care and wellness during the pandemic as a teacher
Mindful Tips include handouts & resources:
My Mindful Brain
My Mindful Traffic Light
Mindful Parenting tip sheets
Mindful Breathing
& More!

Self Care Checklist
Online Tool
Further Reading
The following articles are great resources for anyone looking to learn more about the impact mindfulness can have on children.
Mindfulness for Children by David Gelles - The New York Times
Evidence for the Impact of Mindfulness on Children and Young People by Katherine Weare - The Mindfulness in Schools Project